Check out this helpful guide courtesy of Hoover's Hatchery for tips and tricks on raising meat birds.
The Cornish Cross Broiler is a unique and remarkable bird. We like to think of it as the BBB – big breasted broiler – it has very broad breasts, large thighs, beautiful white plumage, and yellow skin. Its rapid growth and feed efficiency are incredible. You can see them grow before your eyes.
There are special steps to follow when raising our broilers. To avoid bad legs and ascites (A.K.A. “water-belly” or pulmonary hypertension), we recommend the following steps:
If you want the birds to be a consistent weight at butcher, purchase either all pullets (hens) or all cockerels (roosters). If you want them to mature at different sizes, purchase straight run. The pullets also make great Cornish Game Hens if butchered at one to three-pounds live weight.